Female Pleasure Project Protocol
1. Privacy
a. Who you see here stays here
b. Don’t “out†people in public (online or in person)
c. Every person who participates in the Female Pleasure Project will need to attend this orientation and get approval from Nikki
d. We will be creating videos to share online.
i. Being on video is not a requirement for joining the group
ii. Any participants who do want to go on video will sign a release and have pictures of their photo ID that will be kept on record as proof of legal age.
iii. There will be videos where the participants may wear a mask to keep their identity anonymous.
2. Consent
a. Different events will have different levels of nudity. Each event description will have a clear outline of what level of dress or undress is appropriate and what to expect. By attending you are consenting to that level of nudity.
b. You don’t have to do anything with anyone at a Mindful Erotic Exploration event, ever. I do, however, require appropriate participation for your attendance. These events are not meant to have audiences and voyeurs.
c. You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)
d. If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no, say NO.
e. If you’re a maybe, say NO.
f. You are encouraged to change your mind and consent can be withdrawn at any time. Continuous consent is a must.
g. Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner. This is not a dating, affair or hook-up opportunity. If you are in a relationship we ask that your partner has given full consent for your participation.
h. Reporting protocol – If you see something say something. It’s best to err on the side of caution. You can report directly to Nikki or another leader.
3. Safety
a. Emotional Safety – sex and intimacy are charged topics for many people. All reactions (tears, laughter, surprise etc.) are welcome.
b. We will employ the use of safe words. Of course, you can always voice any concerns you may be having, however, sometimes when we are outside our comfort zone we don’t have the words to make full sentences. If that’s the case use a safe word.
i. Green – everything is good, full speed ahead
ii. Yellow – on the edge of your comfort zone. Events need to slow down.
iii. Red – Stop immediately. You are completely out of your comfort zone and things either need to stop and change immediately or you need to leave.
c. Safer sex practices will be infused into all erotic practices. At times they will actually be a part of the practice! Please make sure to bring any safer sex items you like to use (gloves, condoms, dental dams, etc) as they may or may not be available at the event
d. It will be noted in the event description any supplies needed
e. Supplies may be made available for sale at events
4. Attendance Policy
a. If you RSVP for an event, be at the event.
b. Arrive at least 5 minutes early for all events. Late entry will not be allowed.
c. If you are comfortable RSVPing in public (on meetup and/or facebook) please do. It’s ok to RSVP to the same event in multiple groups.
5. Appropriate Participation
a. Each event description will include information on participation.
b. Active listening is a must
c. Demonstrations of erotic practices are inherently exhibitionistic and voyeurism may be part of the experience of the witnesses/audience
d. Solo (masturbation) and partnered practices may or may not be exhibitionist and as such anyone attending an event including solo or partnered practices must also participate. By participating in any group solo or partnered practices you are consenting to be seen/witnessed.
6. This is not therapy. While much of what we do will be very therapeutic it is not meant to diagnose or treat any mental, emotional or health issues.
a. All participants are encouraged to seek out appropriate support outside of this group.
b. If someone is having an experience that is outside the scope of expertise of the group outside resources will be suggested and that person will be asked to take steps to implement additional support before re-joining the group.
7. Welcoming Environment – Creating an environment that attracts women and retains men. This means being loving and empathetic towards each other as well as utilizing effective communication practices.
a. Women agree to not shame men (or anyone really). Since women are the subject of this project they are in a unique position to share their experience and will have unexpected influence over the men. Without the women participating there would be no project, however, this feminine influence must be used wisely in order to maintain participation from men.
b. Men agree that they are participating to fulfill their own desire of increasing their knowledge of female pleasure with no ulterior motive of gaining sexual partners.
c. All participants agree they will not compromise their own values/ethics/morals in order to make someone else or the group happy and through a hi level of mindfulness all will be watchful for codependent and people pleasing behaviors.
What you will get from this project:
- Opportunity to learn and practice new erotic skills and techniques
o Orgasmic Meditation
o Mindful Masturbation
o Sensual Massage
o Giving from a place of desire and arousal
o Female Ejaculation
o Anal Pleasure
o Tantra - Opportunity to learn and practice new communication skills
- Coaching on how to over come the most common sexual ‘dysfunctions’
o Inability to climax or difficulty reaching climax
o Low libido
o Vaginismus
o Premature Ejaculation
o Erectile dysfunction - Fellowship with like-minded individuals
- Opportunities to share your own knowledge and experience
- Content sharing between consenting volunteer models
- Well defined goals and objectives for the group
What I am looking to get out of this project:
- A community of people who are committed to exploring female pleasure through erotic practices (solo and/or partnered and/or group)
- People who I can train to be volunteer demonstration models for my classes
- People to be volunteer demonstration models for videos
- Volunteers for event support – setup, welcoming, staging, marketing
- Volunteers for post-production – video editing
- Volunteers/venues for hosting events