With my hands I followed the energy and movement of their body, venturing more closely to their anal area with each stroke. I had never given much pleasure to the backside of a person’s body so I was not sure what I was doing.

As person after person lay on my table with their body asking to be touched in the most sensitive of areas, I learned. I learned how to be slow, how to tease, and how to penetrate.

I enjoyed receiving anal stimulation so I knew it felt good. And with practice, I got very skilled at it. I also asked these men why they were doing it – especially if they were in a relationship.

Time and again the answer had to do with shame.

They felt they could not tell their partner that they enjoyed anal stimulation.

They were afraid they would be labeled as gay.

They were afraid of their partner’s reaction.

They were afraid of being seen as dirty or perverted.

I have always felt that if something feels good then it can’t be wrong. I see how our social conditioning makes us wrong for enjoying anal pleasure and I believe it comes down to the fact that we live in a Judeo-Christian dominated culture.

One way to control people is to control their sex. By making intercourse for the purpose of procreation only, it means it’s a sin to do it for any other reason.

Oral and anal pleasure are off limits.

The only people who could do it despite social conventions were gay men and sluts/prostitutes.

And no one wants the stigma of those roles…

That put anyone else who enjoyed it down.

Those who see me for coaching or come to my classes are ready to face their conditioning and ask if their beliefs still support them.

They learn the safer ways to experience this most intimate pleasure as both a giver and a receiver.

If this is you then you should definitely check out my upcoming workshop:
The Art of Anal Pleasure
If you would prefer some private attention (private coaching), let me know and we can schedule a time to talk about working together privately.